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The Statistical Data Return is the only annual data collection of its kind that collates data from English Private Registered Providers in relation to the ownership and location of their social housing stock. The Regulator of Social Housing collects data such as stock size, type and location, and uses it to support economic regulation and risk analysis. The data is particularly useful in assessing the position of the sector, since 95% of PRPs are represented.

The standout statistics:

Private Registered Providers (PRPs) have increased the amount of social housing stock that they own by the largest amount ever seen since the first statistical analysis was made available in 2010. Between the period of March 2017 to March 2018, the amount of social housing units owned by PRPs rose by 1.1%. Such an increase has not been seen at any point since the first Statistical Data Return was published, with a comparatively lower increase in the period 2016 to 2017 of 0.6%. This is therefore viewed by many as a positive position for the sector to be moving towards, with the sector seeing 31,015 more units/bedspaces in the past year.

An additional notable change within the sector is the proportion of units that were transferred into PRPs social housing stock in such a small space of time. Since March 2017, there was a 195% increase in the number of units transferred into PRPs ownership. However, it is essential to be aware that of this 195% increase, one organisation was responsible for 39% of the transfers, although the Regulator does not identify who this organisation is.

Within the past year, the number of For-profit providers within the sector has increased faster than in all the previous years combined. This change has sparked concern for many, who believe that this creates greater risk within the sector in relation to for-profit providers potentially not re-investing any of their profits back into the social housing sector. The impacts of for-profit providers continuing to increase at the current rate are unknown and debate is emerging over whether this will become a solution or inhibition in the task of increasing social housing supply.

Each of the identified trends are helpful for providers to analyse individual performance as well as sector performance as a whole, particularly because the survey takes into account the performance of 95% of all PRPs, making it “the most comprehensive source of information on the stock-related activities of PRPs in England.” (Statistical Data Return, 2017/18).

Pennington Choices offers registered providers advice relating to their housing and management issues, and having worked for over 16 years delivering over 170 consulting projects to social housing landlords nationally, we have significant consultancy experience. For information on how we can help your organisation, contact Jenny Neville

Our in depth analysis of the Statistical Data Return can be found here.

The full statistical data return report 2017/18 can be found here.