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Effective planning policy ensures land is developed sustainably, whilst balancing economic, environmental, and social needs. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is the main document of national planning policy, guiding planning decisions across England and providing direction for local authorities and developers.

Recent revisions to the NPPF introduce key updates affecting housing targets, Green Belt policies, economic development, and environmental considerations. This blog highlights the main changes to help stakeholders stay informed and compliant.

For expert insights on affordable housing delivery and recent NPPF changes, catch up on our recent webinar, The Challenge of Delivering Affordable Homes for the UK, available on-demand now.

What is the National Planning Policy Framework?

Planning policy is the method used to plan, manage, and regulate the development of land and buildings. It serves as the foundation for deciding what can be built and where.

The NPPF is the document that guides the planning policy decision-making process. The NPPF advises local planning authorities, typically district or county councils and developers, on their duties when planning developments.

How is the National Planning Policy Framework changing under the revisions?

The NPPF was revised on 12th December 2024, with the revisions coming into immediate effect, in response to the Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the Planning system consultation, following a two-month consultation period and sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.

Let’s find out what the key changes look like:

Reintroduction of mandatory housing targets

The two most significant updates to the NPPF are around housing targets and Green Belt policies.

A new standard method for housing targets:

  • Uses a baseline set at a percentage of existing housing stock levels.
  • Includes an affordability multiplier.
  • Removes arbitrary caps and additions.
  • Increases the total annual housing target from 300,000 to 370,000.

Guidance on the approach to Green Belt and Grey Belt 

What is Green Belt land? 

Green Belt is land around cities and towns that is protected from most types of development to prevent the uncontrolled spread of buildings (urban sprawl) and maintain green spaces. It serves several key purposes:

  • Keeping the countryside open and undeveloped.
  • Preventing cities and towns from merging.
  • Encouraging the use of brownfield sites (previously built-on land) for new developments.
  • Protecting the character of historic towns.

The government published new Green Belt guidance in February 2025, outlining significant updates, including:

  • A more strategic approach to Green Belt designation and release.
  • Recognition that lower quality land, known as ‘Grey Belt’ land, may be needed to meet housing and other local needs.
  • The release of the Grey Belt will be managed through local plans and decision-making processes.
  • The most valuable Green Belt land will continue to be protected.

What is Grey Belt land? 

As of December 2024, the NPPF now defines ‘Grey Belt’ as land that does not strongly contribute to Green Belt purposes (a), (b), and (d):

a) to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas.

b) to prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another.

d) to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns.

Golden Rules for Green Belt development 

Another important aspect of the revised Green Belt policy is the introduction of ‘Golden Rules’ to guide developments on Green Belt land. These rules require:

  • Development plan policies produced in accordance with new NPPF to be higher than for non-Green Belt land, and at least 50% affordable (when tested for viability); or until such policies are in place 15% above the highest existing affordable housing requirement to a cap of 50%. Both are subject to viability.
  • Include necessary improvements to local or national infrastructure.
  • Offer new or enhanced green spaces that are accessible to the public.

Local Plan transitional arrangements

One of the more complex updates to the NPPF concerns the transitional arrangements for plan making:

  • Changes to the NPPF will take effect three months after its publication (12th March 2025).
  • Local Plans that have reached the examination stage will be allowed to continue under the relevant previous version of NPPF.
  • Local Plans at Regulation 19 stage are allowed to continue under the previous version, providing they account for at least 80% of the new local housing need figure.

Economy and communities

Additional support has been introduced for:

  • Key economic sectors, including laboratories, data centres, digital infrastructure, freight, and logistics.
  • Public service infrastructure, such as community facilities.
  • Developments with a high percentage of social rent and affordable housing.

In addition to this, to tackle the wider challenge of obesity, the government has also introduced new restrictions on hot food takeaways and fast-food outlets within walking distance of schools.

Environmental considerations

Several of the policy updates focus on environmental sustainability:

  • The de-facto ban on onshore wind in England has been removed.
  • Greater weight to benefits of renewable and low-carbon energy projects.
  • Exemptions from the sequential flood risk test for developments with no flood risk.
  • Expansion of policies on sustainable drainage systems.
  • Strengthened climate change policies, emphasising development management and mitigation measures.
  • Encouragement of nature-friendly features such as swift bricks in new developments.

Design principles 

Whilst the revised NPPF removes explicit references to ‘beauty’, the government remains committed to high-quality design. Key principles continue to be upheld through documents like the National Design Guide and the National Model Design Code.

The NPPF revisions bring significant changes, particularly in housing delivery, Green Belt policy, and environmental considerations. By staying informed and ensuring compliance with these updates, developers and local authorities can better navigate the evolving planning landscape.

Looking for support with ensuring compliance with the NPPF in your latest development project? Get in touch with our team, who will help you navigate the process.

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