Bolton at Home are responsible for managing and maintaining just under 18,000 properties in the borough. We were appointed to deliver stock condition surveys to their housing property portfolio. The stocklist property types included houses, communal blocks and flats. We were required to deliver surveys to 100% of the stock within the space of 1 year.
The Challenge
As the borough of Bolton is vast, covering all 18,000 properties within the space of a year required a large and dedicated team of surveyors. With the use of handheld devices, our team were able to complete and submit surveys daily.
What We Did
We began by creating a new component configuration, survey designs and schedule of rates to ensure the collection of accurate data. The client requested that we included a small number of ‘information only’ questions which would add value to our service and allow them to update their housing management records. Once satisfied with the survey scope, we began the process of determining an achievable survey programme. To complete our mobilisation phase, we held a surveyor briefing and pilot survey exercise to stress-test our approach and identify any issues before commencing with the main survey programme. After we complete and validate surveys, we securely transfer the data to the client via KGI sheets ready to be uploaded into their asset management database. We provided an updated summary report on a regular basis; including financial forecasts, decent homes and energy efficiency. Our report details key findings and outlines recommendations, which can be shared with key stakeholders within the client’s organisation.
Our Achievements
We have delivered large volume stock condition surveys for over 15 years, and our experience means we are able to support clients using any asset management software, uploading the completed survey data into their live database. Throughout the contract, we have remained in close contact with the client. We produce weekly reports to formally document our progress and performance against the project KPIs and hold regular progress meetings and calls.