The new consumer regulation regime is here, are you up to date on your requirements?  

As of 1st April 2024, the Regulator of Social Housing has implemented the new consumer regulation regime and set of revised standards. All organisations must understand the new requirements to maintain compliance and prepare for a successful landlord inspection. We’ve created a free guide to provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of the requirements and four new consumer standards to stay on top of your consumer regulation approach.  

In our Guide to the New Consumer Regulation Regime, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of:  

 •    What the new standards mean  
 •    Which standards apply to you  
 •    Additional changes under the standards 
 •    Top tips for preparing for landlord inspections  
 •    How you will be graded in your inspection  
 •    Frequently asked questions  

Fill out the short form to download your free guide and discover all the information to ensure maintained compliance ready for your landlord inspection. 

Complete this short form to download the eBook