Our one-day HHSRS Training course, designed by our in-house team, provides key information, in-depth knowledge, and practical insights into the Housing Health and Safety Rating System. It's crucial that all surveyors and inspectors working for landlords have a comprehensive understanding of the HHSRS to keep buildings hazard free.

The course is focused on enabling delegates to understand the HHSRS so they can assess property condition against it, and to understand the importance of identifying hazards to keep tenants and properties safe.
Upon completion of the course delegates will receive a continuing professional development (CPD) certificate.
These modules include:
• Understanding the HHSRS.
• How you can assess conditions using the HHSRS.
• Assessing conditions in practice, and recording inspections.
• The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act.
Who is this course for?
This course is aimed at Property Inspectors and Surveyors, but can be tailored for other frontline customer-facing staff including Housing Officers.
What will you learn?
• How the HHSRS operates, and how to undertake competent and reliable assessments for routine inspections of occupied and void properties.• The hazards of damp, mould, and excess cold.
• How to assess hazards, produce risk scores, interpret these and identify what type of hazard would mean the property does not meet the legal minimum condition standard for housing, to therefore identify the potential remedial action that you can take to reduce the level of risk.
• The various enforcement or other courses of action available to local authorities and tenants to have hazards addressed within your properties.
• An understanding of the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act and its implications for your organisation, and the records/practical actions that you can take to address this.
• The records and practical actions that you can take to address the risk of action and to keep residents safe from hazards.
Why choose us?
We are not aware of any comparative or similar services available in the marketplace. The training we have outlined above has been developed by, and is unique to, Pennington Choices. Equally, we are also not aware of any competitor organisations that combine the breadth of technical and contractor services with professional consulting services.
£235 + VAT per person (discounts for multiple delegates)
(Please note from April 2025 this training course fee will increase to £260 per delegate)
Organisational booking
1 course - £1,495 + VAT
2 course - £2840.50 + VAT
(Please note from April 2025 this training course fee will increase to £1,540 per course per organisation and £2,926 for two courses per organisation, with a 5% discount for two courses)