Recorded on Wednesday 21st June 2023

Have you started preparing your building safety cases yet? Are you aware of the critical considerations you need to be thinking about?

If not, now’s the time to start. This on-demand webinar shares the lessons we’ve learnt so far having supported several clients with developing their building safety cases, providing you with useful insight into where organisations are likely to have gaps in their information and approaches.

A building safety case is a critical requirement for buildings that fall within the scope of high-rise, high-risk properties within the Building Safety Act 2022. The safety case provides important information to the Building Safety Regulator and demonstrates how the relevant persons for the building are taking action to identify, manage, and mitigate fire and structural risks. Not only is your safety case an important part of complying with the Building Safety Act 2022, but it also plays a crucial role in helping you reduce the risk to life safety in your buildings.

Join our brilliant consultancy team, accompanied by our expert fire technicians, as they share their experiences and highlight the most effective ways to tackle your own safety cases based on the lessons we’ve learnt so far.

This webinar is your chance to explore how best to navigate your safety case journey, from developing the safety case itself to staying on top of the technical information that must be included. Leave the webinar with:

  • A clear understanding of the key building safety timeline, key documents you might need to collate (such as your compartment line plans and your retrospective fire strategies), and how those documents interlink together
  • Knowledge of what your responsibilities are
  • Insight into our findings from working with several organisations on their safety cases
  • A strong grasp on what you need to consider moving forward to remain compliant with the Building Safety Act 2022

Level up your understanding of building safety and watch on-demand now,