Recording live on Tuesday 12th December.

Following the success of our last housing quality webinar in April, our experts are back 8 months on to bring you the latest updates and lessons learnt from across the sector.

Hear our panel of experts discuss the necessary actions every landlord must take to gain assurance on the condition of their homes and the quality of services they deliver. This will ensure that your tenants live in good quality, safe homes which fulfil their needs and expectations. 

The Sector Risk Profile 2023 highlighted the risks created by the current economic climate, not just for tenants but also for the wider sector. The cost of repairs and maintenance are being impacted by this, as well as the need to fund carbon reduction works and building safety improvements. Our experts will explore these risks and discuss how you can manage and mitigate them to keep your buildings safe. 

Expectations around the quality of social rented homes are increasing, with enhanced regulatory scrutiny growing as a result. In this webinar, we will outline the requirements of the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 and the Tenant Satisfaction Measures, highlighting the obligations for providers to gather information on the quality of your homes, tenant satisfaction levels, and your approach to repairs and maintenance.  

As a provider, you must ensure you have robust data and a comprehensive understanding of the quality of your homes, as well as sufficient revenue funding and capital investment plans to deliver on tenants’ expectations and meet enhanced regulatory scrutiny. We’ll help you break this down and understand how to adapt your housing quality approach to comply with current regulations. 

From Board members, Chief Executives and Directors to Senior managers and frontline Officers, this webinar will update everyone on the latest from housing quality, including asset management, damp and mould, and carbon reduction.  

From this webinar, you will gain a clear and comprehensive understanding of:

  • The requirements of the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023.
  • Tenant Satisfaction Measures, their importance and the factors affecting them.
  • The information required to check the quality of your homes.
  • Lessons learnt from our damp and mould surveys.

Watch now and find out how to optimise your housing quality practices.

Watch now