Recorded on Wednesday 14th August 2024.

Do you understand the condition of your stock? Are you up to date with your responsibilities under the Safety and Quality Standard? 

With increased scrutiny from the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH), it’s crucial that you maintain a robust understanding of your stock condition and the necessary steps to ensure compliance with the latest legislation. This includes the new Safety and Quality Standard, Decent Homes, and Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS). In this webinar, our experts will share insight into your legal and regulatory responsibilities to understand your properties thoroughly, upcoming changes, and the impact of the new consumer standards on your approach.  

This webinar offers expert insights into interpreting data from Stock Condition Surveys and how this should be utilised to drive investment and improvement in your asset base. We will also share lessons learnt from working with organisations to understand and improve their stock condition and provide guidance on ensuring your stock data is up to date, live, and accurate.  

From this webinar, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of:  

 •   The regulatory requirements of having a comprehensive understanding of your stock condition
 •   Why a robust understanding of your stock condition is imperative
 •   The key components of a Stock Condition Survey
 •   All relevant stock condition legislation, including insights into and updates on Decent Homes, Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS), and the Safety and Quality Standard
 •   The journey all organisations must take to maintain comprehensive, robust, and up-to-date stock condition data
 •    Lessons learnt from working with organisations to understand their stock condition 


Jordan Brown, Head of Consultancy – Assets and Compliance  

Ben Davidson, Head of Survey Services  

Lisa Driscoll, Principal Consultant  

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